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How to Track Your Time as a Freelancer Using Either the Timecard Apps or the EVV

In the US about 30 million small businesses were found to be operating in 2018. Time tracking is very important for the entrepreneurs that are work from home because it’s hard to manage their time with their busy day. In case you are also a home entrepreneur you must have realized that time runs very fast and it’s like you don’t recognize it. If you work as a blogger, freelancer or even as a coach then you are among the people that will benefit from time tracking app. If the health of the home workers is not taken seriously then there will be a big problem for the people that work from home by the end of 2020. However, it might not be easy for you to know whether the free timecard apps are the best for you or it’s the EVV standards that are good for your time tracking. If you keep it here you will realize the best option of the time tracking apps that you can consider for your busy days.

You need to mind about your industry requirements before you select the best time tracking app for your professional. The needs of different industries are different and that why you have to consider your specific industry before making your decisions. Some businesses like marketing, freelancing, and blogging don’t have specific standards to follow hence they can use either the timecard apps or the EVV since it depends with an individual. However, for those having a health care business can only use the EVV method to track their time.

EVV which is an abbreviation for Electronic Visit Verification method indicates when the service providers start their work and when they stop. The specific location of login to the system will be detected by this app. The EVV is very crucial for the health care industry because of it saves billions of dollar from frauds. With the EVV you will have less stress with your payroll and billing and also you will not have to deal with papers to keep a record of time in and also visit times.

Below are some of the timecard apps that you can use for your time tacking.

The hours tracker is the first free time tracker to check which is very easy and simple for the busy freelancers to keep track of their working time and earning from the business.

The second time tracker is the free time and is important for the bosses that want their freelancers to plan their working time.

In case you want to learn about running your business then you need to have the Toggle time tracker. It’s user-friendly, quick and free to use.

The TimeWerks Pro Billing is good for creating profiles and adjusting projects.

The other time trackers include Hours that helps users to make detailed reports and smart reminders and the FreshBooks that offer cloud accounting services.

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