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Useful Tips to Maintain your Pool on your Own

Owning a pool should be fun. If space allows it is necessary for families with kids to have a pool. Maintaining a big pool is not easy. Pools can grow algae and become green in they are not well cleaned. Further, if the filter breaks it may even smell. However is it easy to clean it on your own? If the pool is full-sized the answer is no. Read on to know the do-it-yourself pool maintenance tips to help you regularly take care of your pool.

The skimming process will have to be done daily depending with where you live, the season of the year, your backyard, leaves, branches and dead insects as they will float on a pool’s surface. Scrub your pool’s sides using chlorine to prevent algae from building up. When we say regular it does not mean daily however at least two or three times in a month. Water in a pool is kept clean is achieved through the filter basket. So the pool water has to remain clean this filter basket must first be cleaned. You will find grime, dirt, leaves, and insects in there. The backwash functionality that comes with most pools makes it possible to only clean the filter pipes once a month.

Use these steps to clean the pipes. The filter settings should be at backwash without turning the pumps on. Remove and clean the filter basket. The pumps should be turned on at this point and watch to see if there is one removing unclean water where you should wait until clean water flows through. T he pools is now clean. Chemical levels should be balanced to prevent kids from developing rashes, or for cuts and nicks being infected from the chemicals harshness. A pool will look murky if the chemical amounts are not enough. Chemicals will smell in a pool if the chemicals are imbalanced, people with allergies will be affected not to mention skin irritations.

Consult with pool experts on the right guides of chemical balance maintenance and once this is achieved the water will be clear and no chemical odor will smell from the water. If after rain your pool water overflows it means that the chemicals in the pool are imbalanced, a pool testing kit should be used so that the chemicals can be adjusted.

You can do this cleaning if you have all the time otherwise pool cleaners come handy. Seek help in case filter malfunctions or breakages. Lastly, nobody wants to think of their pool and remember the hard work to be done instead of the fun activities involved.

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