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Understanding More About Therapeutic Communication In Psychiatric Nursing

The relationship between the nurses and the patient is very crucial for effective treatment and therapies. It is because of this that effective communication between the nurses and the patients is very important. Therapeutic communication in psychiatric nursing is known for many benefits and advantages it comes with, which facilitate the healing process of the patients as well as making the nursing activities smooth. Note that therapeutic communication is not similar to standard communication. In therapeutic communication, the nurse has to use verbal and non-verbal methods of communication when interacting with the patients so as to consciously influence them and encourage them to speak out their problems. In standard communication, the nurses only express their ideas without accounting for the patient’s concerns. In psychiatric nursing, therapeutic communication is very crucial for the smooth recovery of the patients. There are several benefits and advantages of therapeutic communication in psychiatric nursing.

The first reason why therapeutic communication in psychiatric nursing is crucial is that it encourages the patients to express their worries and concerns, thus relieving them from stress, depression, and fears/anxiety. Psychiatric nursing focuses on improving the mental health of the patients. This implies that psychiatric patients suffer emotional problems that make them feel lonely. Through therapeutic communication, therefore, the patients get to enjoy peace of mind as they are relieved from all negative emotions. The other reason why therapeutic communication in nursing is essential is that the patients feel welcome during the treatment. The use of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques in therapeutic communication encourages the patients to appreciate the treatment and also recover quickly. The other reason why therapeutic communication in psychiatric nursing is crucial is that it builds close therapeutic relationships between the nurses and the patients. Therapeutic relationships involve rapport, empathy, respect, trust, and genuineness. Many of the patients and nurses end up becoming long-term friends. It is also through therapeutic communication in psychiatric nursing that the nurses understand the needs of their patients better. Unlike the standard communication where there is an only one-way communication from the nurse, therapeutic communication is two-way communication between the nurses and the patients. The patients get better chances to express their fears, ideas, and feelings during the treatment. It is through this that the psychiatric nurses are able to offer the best forms of therapies and treatments suitable for the needs and requirements of the patients.

There are several therapeutic communication techniques that help the psychiatric nurses offer the best therapies to the patients and maximally meet their expectations and requirements. Note that the therapeutic communication techniques in psychiatric nursing are crucial not only during the treatment but also after the treatment as they aid the patients’ recovery. Awareness and empathy are crucial therapeutic communication techniques in psychiatric nursing. These help in achieving the best results for the patients. The psychiatric nurses empathize with the patients’ conditions. Reflection is also a key therapeutic communication technique in psychiatric nursing. These help the patients to recognize and accept themselves. The formulation of a plan of action by the psychiatric nurses is also a crucial therapeutic communication technique that manages anger and worries among the patients.

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