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Signs Of Abuse And Neglect In Nursing Homes For The Elderly

One should go to a nursing home if one is elderly and cannot care for themselves so that one will receive care from the staff at a nursing home. Unfortunately in the nursing homes, the elderly may go through abuse and neglect from the staff members. When the elderly are not given enough fluids at a nursing home, they may go through dehydration. Seniors who skip meals in the nursing home will get malnutrition and this is one sign of neglect. To know whether a senior is suffering from dehydration and malnutrition, one should check if they have cracked lips, have lost weight or they have a dry mouth.

A sign of elder abuse at a nursing home is unexplained injuries. If one notices that an elder has consistent bruises, one should be concerned about their treatment at the nursing home. One way to deal with the abuse and neglect that one finds at a nursing home on a loved one is by getting help from a lawyer who will make the nursing home accountable for their actions. One should look for an experienced law firm when one is thinking about suing a nursing home, and this law firm will make the nursing home accountable. This law firm is responsible for looking for suitable compensation for an elderly person who has gone through abuse and neglect at a nursing home.

Another sign of neglect is mobility changes that are negative where an elderly person does not have the strength to move around as they used to before and this can mean that they are not getting enough exercise. If elderly people are not moving around because they stay in bed for long periods, they will experience loss of mobility. A sign of emotional abuse is when older adults withdraw from social activities if they used to enjoy social activities in the past.
One should speak about all these signs with a lawyer when one is interested in hiring them to sue a nursing home. Lawyers usually hold consultations with clients to determine whether to take a case, and by visiting a law firm, one can share one’s concerns, and this law firm will decide whether they want to take a case.

Elderly people may also suffer from bed sores and personal hygiene problems, and this is a sign of neglect and abuse. Before using a law firm, one should check whether they win their cases against nursing homes where there are neglect and abuse. One can check the performance of a law firm if they deal with cases of neglect and abuse in nursing homes and one should use a firm that has a good track record of winning cases. This law firm will be beneficial for a client since they know how to collect evidence for a case.
One can expect that one will get the most suitable lawyer for a case since this law firm knows its lawyers and what they can accomplish.

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